Guest Blogging Hacks from a Guest Blogger

helpful tipsThis title probably seems all wrong because no one should be “just a guest blogger,” but even if there was “just a guest blogger” he/she shouldn’t be using any kinds of hacks or shortcuts (at least not according to Matt Cutts). Nevertheless, we all know that guest bloggers still exist and guest bloggers have little tricks they use to be successful.

It’s true that guest blogging should be about more than links and shouldn’t be your only tactic when it comes to SEO, I agree with this completely, but even when you’re following these rules and doing everything right it helps to have a few hacks to get your by. As a full time “guest blogger” (who is also an editor, in charge of outreach, analyzing data, following trends, etc.), I know a few of these tricks and I know how helpful they can be, so let’s get right to it!

Top Guest Blogging Hacks Only a Guest Blogger Would Know

You still have some of your obvious guest blogging rules (put out quality content and make sure you edit being number one), but below are some tips that I’ve found you only learn from experience:

  • Have an article ready to go when you pitch your ideas, just in case.

It’s always nice if an editor has something to work with right off the bat. This shows that you’re serious and shows that the process doesn’t have to take too long. Always offer to send other story ideas, but send something so he/she can get a feel for your writing right away.

  • If you have a good portfolio, mention that before you even utter the word “guest post” (this includes in the subject line).

Many times an editor will be so annoyed with people asking to gust post that he/she won’t even continue reading an email if it seems like that’s where the message is going. However, if you have a good portfolio and have worked with good sites in the past, chances are that editor will want to work with you. You’re the one out of hundreds, remember, so it’s best to get all of that out there before you mention guest blogging. I usually use the subject heading “HigherVisibility Inquiry” as opposed to “Guest Post for Your Site,” and I’ve found this really works.

  • Don’t mention links back to your website at all. Put your author bio at the bottom of your article and be done with it—by now most good editors understand that you want one link back to your company.

This point is coming directly from Matt Cutts himself. In his announcement about guest blogging for spam, he gave an example pitch that talked about needing a link and how the company was willing to pay for it. Even if you’re not necessarily asking to buy a link, it’s best not to mention it at all. Talk to an editor about your experience and what your article is about, and let the obvious speak for itself.

  • It’s who you know more than what you know. Name-drop and ask for introductions.

If you have a close relationship with one editor who happens to know another editor that you want to work with, see if you can get an introduction. This will go much further than sending out an email on your own, and it’s usually well received in the SEO world. It’s also not a good idea to name-drop in your pitch unless you clear it with the person you’re mentioning, but name-drop website names anytime you can!

  • You’re going to get ignored, but keep those sites on the back burner. On that same note, a follow-up email goes a long way.

I oftentimes find that a website will get back to me after I’ve sent a follow-up email. It shows I’m serious and it gives them a reason to actually respond (after all, a spammer isn’t going to send a follow-up email). If a site ignores you after a follow-up, record that and then try to circle back in 6 months. It could be under new management or remember you from before, which again, shows you’re really serious.

The Takeaway for Small Business Owners

This might be an article catered toward writers, but even if you’re a small business owner some of this information can be helpful. By understanding how guest blogging works and some of the techniques that go into being successful, you will be able to weed out some of the better writers out there.

Are you a guest blogger with any tricks you’d like to share? Any stories you’ve learned from in the past? Let us know your thoughts and your story in the comments below.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock marekuliasz

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